Central Coast Council | Ph 03 6429 8900 | Email: admin@centralcoast.tas.gov.au

Planning Sub-Committee (formerly DSSC) Agendas & Minutes

About PSC

The Central Coast Council Planning Sub-Committee (PSC) was formed to provide support for the Council’s planning responsibilities. Meetings of the PSC enable land use planning and development determinations to be made in a timely and responsive manner, outside of regular monthly Council meetings. PSC meetings do not include a public question time component.

These meetings are scheduled as required and are held in the Council Chamber’s Administration Centre, located at 19 King Edward Street, Ulverstone.

Council welcomes any community members who would like to attend the short meeting in person, or view via live stream. Below is a list of agendas, minutes and live stream details. 

PSC Members:

Mayor Fuller, Cr Beswick, Cr Carpenter, Cr Diprose, Cr Viney

PSC Proxy Members:

Cr Hiscutt, Cr Wylie


Click here to view the PSC Charter.


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All Documents are in PDF and M4A Formats

View Archived Agenda and Minutes