Progress Updates & Plans
October 2022
Since the last update in July, the upgrades to the storm water system have been completed on the southern side of Preservation Drive between Overall Street and the Highway Halt business. Kerb has also been laid on the southern side of the road and the new concrete path will be poured in the coming weeks. Contractors are working closely with the business to ensure minimal disruption to customers.
The path along Preservation Bay and Mid-Way Beach has been completed. Path with kerb has been installed in locations where the road is too narrow to allow for user separation using the white delineators. In areas where there is sufficient room to provide for user separation from road, traffic white delineators have been used.
The new pedestrian crossing has been asphalted opposite 126 Preservation Drive. The shared pathway will match into this on the southern side, as work on the path is completed. The northern side access to the beach will be completed by TasRail in the coming months. TasRail are working closely with Birdlife Tasmania to ensure that the design is the most appropriate for the location and construction occurs when the least amount of disruption will be felt by the penguin population.
Work is still ongoing along Hogarth Road and on the eastern end of the section at the skate park.
July 2022
Work has commenced on installation of the project’s new stormwater drainage upgrade. The pipework between Overall Street and the Highway Halt business at Sulphur Creek has been largely installed. Work is expected to be completed in front of the Highway Halt business by end of July, with kerb laid and the new concrete path poured in the coming weeks. Contractors are working closely with the business to ensure minimal disruption to customers.
All required fencing has been completed for the shared pathway project. New fencing behind the Penguin Surf Life Saving Club will ensure that children do not wander onto the railway line during large events held at the Club. Installation of a new sliding gate has also been completed, which will create an easier mechanism over the older, swinging gate.
Formation of the shared pathway along Preservation Bay and Mid-Way Beach has started. Kerb will be laid along this section in early August with asphalting of the path surface undertaken shortly after this.
The new railway crossing has been asphalted opposite 126 Preservation Drive, Preservation Bay. As work on the shared pathway is completed, it will link into the railway crossing on the southern side. The railway crossing’s northern side access to the beach will be completed by TasRail in the coming months. TasRail are working closely with Birdlife Tasmania to ensure the most appropriate design for the location and that construction occurs when the penguin population will experience the least amount of disruption.
New kerb has been laid under the Bass Highway at Sulphur Creek in preparation for concrete to be poured. At the Overall Street intersection, kerb and stormwater drainage has been installed. This section of the shared pathway will be completed in the coming weeks.
The Creamery Road intersection at Sulphur Creek has been resealed and line marked to accommodate the shared pathway’s width.
May 2022
Construction of the Sulphur Creek to Penguin Shared Pathway is well underway now, with a total of 3.35km of shared pathway asphalted. It is great to see the number of people already taking the opportunity to enjoy what the path has to offer.
The shared pathway formation has been completed and the path has been asphalted along the western end of Preservation Beach and at Mid-Way Point, towards the access to Mid-Way Beach.
Work has commenced on the construction of the new bus stop being installed close to the intersection of Overall Street. This will see an upgrade to the current bus stop in line with other upgrades to the metro system along this route.
Excavation has started on the section of shared pathway that will be formed along Hogarth Road. The path will go under the Bass Highway and connect Hogarth Road to the existing path parallel to the southern side of the highway.
Work on the Hogarth Road section will continue over the coming weeks and there will be a new reseal at the Creamery Road intersection.
March 2022
The road widening between Penguin and the Penguin Surf Life Saving Club has been asphalted and this portion of the project is now completed. These works provide a distance 1.2km of road, which has been widened and sealed. This is to enable realignment of the road to the south, providing room for the path to be constructed on the northern side of the road.
Line marking and a guardrail has also been installed along the widened section of the road. The guardrail provides user separation between the pathway and road traffic in this area and creates additional safety for pathway users. Fencing is being installed along this section to prevent pedestrian access to the railway track and as a safety mitigation measure due to its steep drop off proximity.
The pathway formation has been completed from Penguin to just west of the Penguin Surf Life Saving Club. This section includes existing asphalted sections to the northern side of the Penguin Surf Life Saving Club. The installation of culverts joining existing storm water pipes under the road to existing storm water pipes under the rail has provided an upgrade to the existing storm water infrastructure in this area.
The formation of the pathway has started along the western end of Preservation Beach and at Midway Point, towards the access to Midway Beach.
Work will continue in the coming weeks with construction on the southern side of Preservation Drive and Hogarth Road.
January 2022
The area between Penguin and the Penguin Surf Life Saving Club has seen road widening completed for a distance 1.2km of the road. This is to enable realignment of the road to the south, providing room for the path to be constructed on the northern side of the road.
It is anticipated that line marking and asphalting will be completed by the second week in February 2022. Fencing and guardrails are to be installed along the widened section of the road by mid February.
Work is continuing to the west, with culverts being installed to the immediate west of the Penguin Surf Life Saving Club and with fencing and guardrails to be installed along the widened section of the road.
December 2021
Hardings Hotmix have been awarded the Sulphur Creek to Penguin section of the Coastal Pathway and work started in November 2021 on this long-awaited section of the Coastal Pathway. When complete, the section will form approximately 5.5km of separated shared pathway starting at the Penguin Miniature Railway and terminating on Hogarth Road where it joins into an existing section of Coastal Pathway on the southern side of the Bass Highway.
The section will see the construction of 4.8km of new shared pathway fully separated from traffic on the northern side of Preservation Drive, the path crosses the road to the southern side of Preservation Drive approximately 200m to the east of the Highway Halt. The remaining 700m continues along the southern side of Preservation Drive until the intersection with Hogarth Road.
Work has commenced with road widening on the southern side of the road between Penguin and the Penguin Surf Life Saving Club. The road widening will allow for the path to be constructed on the northern side of Preservation Drive.
Hardings have set the site offices up close to the Penguin Surf Life Saving Club and this will be the base of operations for the duration of the project.