Ensuring you abide by Council’s Animal Control By-law, as well as the guidelines set out by the Department of Natural Resources and Environment (NRE), is extremely important when it comes to farming or keeping certain animals.
CLICK HERE to view a copy of the By-law.
Below you will find some key information on the rules and requirements for certain species and zoning.
Farming animals in residential areas
The following animals are not allowed in residential areas without a permit (including on a temporary basis):
- horses,
- cattle,
- sheep;
- goats;
- pigs;
- donkeys;
- roosters;
- bees;
- poultry (excluding fowls).
Permits are not required for six (6) or less standard hens, ten (10) or less bantam hens, or up to eight (8) mixed size hens. A permit is required for anyone wanting to keep a rooster, or poultry such as ducks, geese, pigeons or turkeys.
However, a person must not:
- keep any fowls or poultry within 6 metres of any neighbouring dwelling-house;
- construct a chicken coop within 1 metre of any fence line or boundary;
- allow any fowls or poultry to have access to any area within 6 metres of a neighbouring dwelling-house.
Exceptions might apply for business purposes. Please carefully read the Bi-Law for more information
CLICK HERE to download a copy of the Healthy Hens, Happy Humans brochure.
Bee Keeping
It is now a requirement for all beekeepers (commercial and non-commercial) to register with the NRE. More information can be found on the NRE website. Click here to learn about Bee Biosecurity here.
If you want to keep more than two hives in a built-up area, you will need a permit. Conditions for the location of bee hives can also be found in the by-laws.
Honey Making & Selling
If you’re planning to process and sell honey, hive owners will need to register for a notifiable food business. There is no charge for this registration and typically Council will only inspect your hive once.
Permit Application Forms
Below is a copy of the Permit Application Form. Copies can also be obtained from the Council’s Administration or Service Centre.
CLICK HERE to download a Permit Application Form.
For further information, contact the Council on (03) 6429 8900.
Our Council (supported by a co-funding grant from the Cradle Coast Authority), the National Desexing Network and the Penguin Veterinary Centre, have all joined forces to offer a subsidised desexing program to help prevent unwanted cats.
Eligible Central Coast Council residents can now receive subsidised cat desexing and microchipping. This initiative is designed for those in need and is subject to the following eligibility requirements.
- Valid pension
- Concession
- Healthcare card
- Low income
- With too many pets
- Adopting a stray or taking ownership of an unowned cat
Penguin Veterinary Centre will be participating in this program for our municipality.
To check your eligibility, please contact the National Desexing Network on 1300 368 992. If you’re eligible, you will be issued with a desexing voucher to then contact the Penguin Veterinary Centre and make an appointment.
These subsidies are available only while Council funding lasts.