Central Coast Council | Ph 03 6429 8900 | Email: admin@centralcoast.tas.gov.au

Land Use Planning – Planning Applications

Current Planning Applications

The following list of Discretionary Development Applications have submitted to the Council for approval under the Tasmanian Planning Scheme – Central Coast. The applications have been publicly notified in the newspaper, by site notice and advice by letter in accordance with section 57(3) of the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993.

Permitted developments are not included in the list of development applications.

The applications in this list are available as Adobe documents.

The full details of an application can be viewed at the Council offices at 19 King Edward Street, Ulverstone, during normal business hours (Monday to Friday 8.00am to 4.30pm).


The Land Use Planning and Approvals Act enables members of the community to make representations to the Council about a permit application.

The Council must assess applications against the Planning Scheme. In order to be relevant and able to be taken into account, representations should be based on matters related to legitimate planning grounds within the Planning Scheme.


A developer wishes to build a building with second floor decks that is 3 metres above the normal Acceptable Solution height levels within the Planning Scheme.

Council has received 2 Representations:

Mr and Mrs Smith raise issues with overshadowing and overlooking of their back ground level deck because of the height of the proposal. This would be a legitimate planning representation.

Mr and Mrs Jones raise issues relating to the proposed cladding material (rusty sheet metal) being considered offensive by them. This is not a legitimate planning representation as it is not a discretion under the scheme. Cladding of this kind could not be treated as a valid planning ground on which to refuse or modify the application.

Planning Schemes change often. You must ensure that you are familiar with the Scheme and take advice as appropriate to make sure that any representation you make is as effective as possible.  It is a public process.

Representations are kept on file with the application and form part of the public record; which must be presented upon request. We also publish representations on our website without exception.

What happens to my representation?

The Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993 requires that the Council take into consideration relevant (i.e. relating to legitimate planning grounds) matters in any representation when determining an application.

The Council will also consider the applicable Planning Scheme provisions.  It can approve the application with or without conditions, or refuse the application.  The Council can determine that certain modifications should be made to the proposal. This may be to reduce or remove any impacts on your property (i.e. a condition for screening of a deck to avoid overlooking). Such conditions can only be imposed if it does not substantially alter the proposal. That is the removal of an upper level of a house to minimise the impact of overshadowing could not be a condition.

If for any reason you wish to withdraw your representation you may do so in writing any time before Council determines the application. If you have made a representation, you will receive in writing, notice of the Council’s decision. If you do not agree with the decision you have the right to appeal to the Resource Management and Planning Appeal Tribunal within 14 days. Information about appeals are available at www.rmpat.tas.gov.au or phoning (03) 6165 6792.

Anyone affected by a Discretionary development has the right to lodge a representation, either in support of or objection to the proposed development.

A representation should be in writing and should clearly state the reasons for your support or concern about the development. Representations must be sent to PO Box 220, Ulverstone, Tasmania 7315, or to admin@centralcoast.tas.gov.au


Current Draft Amendments

PSA2024001 – 1685 Castra Road, Sprent
– Rezone land known as 1685 Castra Road, Sprent from Agriculture to Rural and assign the Priority Vegetation Area overlay map and associated C7.0 Natural Assets Code as appropriate (28Mb)
Notification expiry date – 30 October 2024

Current Planning Applications


DA2024243 – 3A Quiggins Grove, Ulverstone - Residential – dwelling extensions – Setbacks and building envelope for all dwellings (12Mb) [Notification expiry date – 20 November 2024]
DA2024269 – 46 Water Street, Ulverstone - Residential – dwelling addition – sunroom & garage – Setbacks and building envelope for all dwellings (7Mb) [Notification expiry date – 19 November 2024]
DA2024247 – 7 Cassia Drive, Ulverstone - Residential – multiple dwellings x 2 – Residential density for multiple dwellings; Setbacks and building envelope for all dwellings; Site coverage and private open space for all dwellings and reliance on C2.0 Parking and Sustainable Transport Code (9Mb) [Notification expiry date – 19 November 2024]
DA2024260 – 870 Castra Road, Spalford - General Retail and Hire – Cellar Door – Reliance on C3.0 Road and Railway Assets Code and C7.0 Natural Assets Code (5Mb) [Notification expiry date – 12 November 2024]
DA2024199 – 5 Locket Street, Ulverstone - Residential – retrospective carport and verandah – Setbacks and building envelope for all dwellings (9Mb) [Notification expiry date – 12 November 2024]
DA2024245 – 404 Penguin Road, West Ulverstone - Residential – demolition of garden shed, dwelling alteration and construction of new shed and retaining wall – Building height, siting and exterior finishes and Landscape protection (3Mb) [Notification expiry date – 12 November 2024]
DA2024239 – 62 Henslowes Road, Ulverstone - Residential – garage and covered outdoor space – Setbacks and building envelope for all dwellings (3Mb) [Notification expiry date – 12 November 2024]