Immunisation is a simple, safe and effective way of protecting people against certain diseases. All of these diseases can cause serious complications and sometimes death.
These diseases can be prevented by routine childhood immunisation. Immunisation (or vaccination) is given as an injection and helps children stay healthy by preventing serious infections.
Vaccinations in accordance with the National Health and Medical Research Council’s recommended immunisation schedule are provided free to all persons. Click here to view the current Adult and Child Immunisation Schedule .
Monthly Immunisation Clinics
The Council no longer conduct monthly immunisation clinics. Childhood immunisation in accordance with the above schedule is available through local doctors.
School Immunisation Clinics
During the year, in accordance with the above schedule, the Council’s immunisation staff will administer the following vaccines to students at school clinics within the Central Coast area:
Grade 7
* Gardasil (Human Papilloma Virus)
* Boostrix (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis)
Grade 10
* Nimenrix (Meningococcal ACWY)
Immunisation Records
In order to obtain a copy of immunisations given by the Central Coast Council, completion of an Immunisation Record Request form is required (in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act 2004). If under 18 years of age, a ‘responsible person’ must also fill in their details on the form and must be the one to sign the form.
Click on the link to download the Immunisation Record Request form Immunisation Record Request Form .
The Australian Childhood Immunisation Register (ACIR) is a national database with details of vaccinations given to children up to the age of seven (from 1996 onwards) who live in Australia. Parents can telephone the ACIR on 1800 653 809 (free call) for information about their child’s vaccination status regardless of where the vaccination was given in Australia. Information can also be accessed on line by following the link
For more information, contact the Council’s Environment & Health Group.