In 2012 the Council completed an Open Space and Recreation Plan 2012-2022. This Plan identified that a number of underutilised and problematic grounds will be due for major asset upgrades and/or replacement in the short to medium term. It also identified that replacement of these assets would not provide the same benefits as redirecting those funds to improving or establishing new grounds that do not face the same constraints. The Plan concluded that relocating the users and facilities of some grounds including Penguin Recreation Ground, to a preferred location will sustainably meet a variety of sport and recreation activities over the long-term.
The Dial Regional Sports Complex Master Plan was developed in 2013. It identified that its development can integrate current users of Penguin Recreation Grounds with existing users of Dial Regional Sports Complex to increase the standards available for these sporting codes and their spectators. The development will also provide improved facilities and opportunities for a number of other potential sport, recreation and community users to be determined throughout the project, ensuring the facility will meet the growing needs of the area.
The Council has now commenced construction of the Dial Regional Sports Complex Development to be completed by March 2018.
You can view both plans in full below:
Dial Sports Complex Master Plan 2013
*Click here to return to the Dial Regional Sports Complex Development page.