Central Coast Council | Ph 03 6429 8900 | Email: admin@centralcoast.tas.gov.au

National Desexing Program now available in Tasmania’s Central Coast

Our Council (supported by a co-funding grant from the Cradle Coast Authority), the National Desexing Network and the Penguin Veterinary Centre, have all joined forces to offer a subsidised desexing program to help prevent unwanted cats.

Eligible Central Coast Council residents can now receive subsidised cat desexing and microchipping. This initiative is designed for those in need and is subject to the following eligibility requirements. 

  • Valid pension
  • Concession
  • Healthcare card
  • Low income
  • With too many pets
  • Adopting a stray or taking ownership of an unowned cat

Penguin Veterinary Centre will be participating in this program for our municipality. 

To check your eligibility, please contact the National Desexing Network on 1300 368 992. If you’re eligible, you will be issued with a desexing voucher to then contact the Penguin Veterinary Centre and make an appointment.

These subsidies are available only while Council funding lasts.