At its meeting on Monday, 18 March 2024, the Council will consider the commencement of the statutory process to dispose of some parcels of vacant land owned by the community.

This follows a review of the Council’s land portfolio as part of the asset management process, where several parcels of land were identified as surplus land.

Community needs are dynamic and can change over time. Council must always be vigilant in ensuring it is getting the best value from its expenditure. As such, a prudent approach to managing community-owned assets is critical to ensuring money is well spent and providing value for money in meeting the community’s needs.

In reviewing the vacant land portfolio, each parcel of surplus land was assessed based on its location, strategic importance (for future community use), maintenance costs, natural and cultural values, planning requirements, and impacts on demand for open space. 

Central Coast Council’s Mayor, Cheryl Fuller, spoke of the ongoing costs involved in holding onto surplus land.

“There are maintenance costs involved in holding onto assets such as surplus land, as well as huge opportunity costs. Council could reinvest any financial gains from the land into improving our existing open spaces and services.”

Currently, there is open space located within 400m of where most people live. This provides an opportunity for Council to dispose of some parcels of land that aren’t being utilised.

“It is important we consider the entire community when making these decisions and ensure we prioritise the allocation of resources evenly.” Said Mayor Cheryl Fuller.

“However, of course, we cannot know the true value of this land to the surrounding community without consultation. Therefore, the public land disposal process will give the community an opportunity to provide feedback, which will help inform the Council’s decision.”  She said.

The statutory land disposal process is the first step of several before the land can be disposed of. Council’s intention to dispose of the land will be communicated in the Advocate newspaper, and through a notice on each parcel of surplus land being considered.

The public land disposal process will give the community an opportunity to provide feedback to Council within 21 days.


For more information:

Click here for details of the specific land parcels being considered for disposal.