Media Release

To             All Media

From       Mayor, Cr Cheryl Fuller

Date        16/02/2024

Re          Reopening of Play Equipment in Anzac Park.

Central Coast Council Announces Imminent Reopening of Much-Loved Play Equipment in Anzac Park.

Three separate vandalism incidents in 2023 led to the closing down of key play equipment in Ulverstone’s Anzac Park playground. However, Central Coast Council is thrilled to announce that the wait is almost over – with the new net climber set to be installed today, Friday, 16 February 2024. The Council urges the community to stay away from the site where the crane is installing the new net climber during this time. Council’s contractor is also currently laying the new soft fall under the launch pad slide.

“Council has been saddened by the impact these vandalism incidents have had on the community. Not only has it cost ratepayers’ money, but it’s also led to children missing out during their school holidays.” – Said Cr Cheryl Fuller, Mayor Central Coast Council.

The vandalism incidents took place over the course of a few months, starting in late September 2023, when the net climber had several ropes cut. This weakened the structure and lead to its indefinite closure for safety reasons. Replacement equipment then had to be ordered.

In December 2023, shortly after the launchpad slide had its new soft fall laid, it was severely damaged by trespassers during the setting process. This led to the entire project having to pause. There was then a significant delay waiting for the replacement soft fall product to arrive.

Finally, prior to Christmas 2023, the tire swing was damaged leading to its removal. Council is still working through the details for its replacement.  

The cost in claims alone for these three separate incidents has been calculated to be more than $42,000. However, there are also many hidden costs associated such as having to keep fencing in place, increased security and surveillance, as well as the extra demand on Council’s staff to coordinate the insurance, replacement equipment, and construction process.

However, Council is eager to look forward and turn its attention towards the joy reopening these parts of Anzac Park will bring the community.

“Council is thrilled that the wait is finally over and truly hope this fantastic play space will be respected moving forward, as it really is our youngest community members who miss out.” Said Mayor Fuller. 

“We sincerely thank the community for their patience and understanding while Council worked through the process. Both the net climber and launch pad slide are planned to be open for the community to enjoy by next week.” She said.